The Defence Capability Plan sets out the Governments indicative planned investments in the New Zealand Defence Force. Minister of Defence Ron Mark on 11 June 2019 released the Defence Capability Plan 2019. The programme was brought forward in the 2008 budget at the expense of Type 45 destroyers 7 and 8. The programme has been underway since 1998, initially under the name ∟uture Surface Combatant. The class will replace 8 of the 13 Type 23 frigates of the Royal Navy and export orders are being sought after by BAE. The Type 26 frigate represents the future backbone of the Royal Navy and a massive leap forward in terms of flexibility of surface vessels enjoyed by the service. In addition, the Financial Times reported recently that Boris Johnson, former UK foreign secretary and a favourite to replace Theresa May as Prime Minister, told members of the Conservative party in Perth last week that he thought New Zealand would come in to the Type 26 programme. New Zealand would join the UK, Australia and Canada in ordering the design. New Zealand is clearly interested, adding that a deal could involve two or threevessels. Steve Timms, BAE managing director for naval ships was reported as saying:
No decision is likely to be made for a number of years for a ship not likely to hit the water towards the end of next decade, however. īAE Systems is promoting the Type 26 frigate in a potential deal with New Zealand.

Lo único que tal vez podría enturbiar estas relaciones, sería la negativa de extraditar a la secretaria del mamo contreras, pero dudo que no se llegue de vuelta a Chile.Įstimado. Los estudios de ingeniería de la línea 6 los realizó una empresa australiana y tienen varios contratos con Metro más, en resumen los Kiwis tienen un piso político en redes, lobby, gestión y no sería extraño que estén negociando algún contrato, con estas fragatas o que venga con algún acuerdo con ASMAR.

Hace rato que el mercado Kiwi Chirimoya (combinación ganadora) está abierto en la minería y es cosa de proyectarlo en construcción naval, desde el 2009 hay un tratado de libre comercio, BHP es un gigante de la minería, tienen una participación importante en eventos culturales, en investigación con universidades, son los auspiciadores de la Carrera Solar de Atacama por ejemplo. Ese mercado naval Kiwi.mmm, se pone muy atractivo para Asmar-Asenav, como es la construccion de OPV-Auxiliares y/o mantencion y actualizacion de buques de guerra.